Energy Efficiency In Convenience Stores: Helping To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Energy efficiency in convenience stores is especially important in your new store because it allows you to keep your energy costs low from day one. However, establishing energy efficiency in your new store location can also have benefits for your community, which may include helping your electric company to reduce their greenhouse gas production. Establishing energy efficiency in your convenience store will require that you find a great team to help you achieve this goal.
The team at Energy Optimization is confident that we’re what you’re searching for. We have been assisting businesses with creating energy efficiency with planning, equipment installation and system retrofits for more than 20 years now, and in that time, our team have helped companies to complete more than $700 million dollars in energy projects. All of this experience has been put to use in our energy engineering service, which is a fantastic way of ensuring energy efficiency in convenience stores.
How Energy Efficiency in Your Convenience Store Benefits You and the Environment
Energy efficiency in convenience stores may not seem like an easy goal to achieve, but if you have a great plan to reach this goal, then your business can realize benefits like low energy costs throughout the life of your store. In addition, your energy efficient practices may also help to generate benefits for the community you serve.
Indeed, your energy efficiency may benefit your community by allowing your power provider to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide have been shown to contribute to global climate change, and U. S. electricity production accounted for more than 28% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2016 according to an EPA report. Thus, you can help your community reduce greenhouse gas emissions by planning to use less electricity.
In order to help you and your community realize these benefits, Energy Optimization helps create energy efficiency in convenience stores with our energy engineering service. This service will assist you with determining the right energy efficiency plan for you by:
- Allowing you to consult highly-experienced engineers with diverse work portfolios
- Determining the best control software for your convenience store
- Designing lighting, HVAC and energy management system plans
All of these features of the Energy Optimization energy engineering service will help you build energy efficiency into your convenience store, keep future energy costs low and maybe even help your community lower the amount of greenhouse gasses it’s producing.
For additional information about ways we can assist you with generating energy efficiency in your convenience store, contact the Energy Optimization team today.